mércores, 13 de marzo de 2013

Convocatoria de acción internacional, para o 18 de Marzo, en apoio á ILP da PAH, diante das embaixadas españolas

Convocatoria de acción internacional en apoio á ILP da PAH

A Iniciativa Lexislativa Popular (ILP) é a resposta da cidadanía organizada á estafa hipotecaria no Estado Español.

A ILP foi presentada pola PAH e ten case un millón e medio firmas de respaldo. Agora é o momento de loitar pola aprobación da ILP no Congreso porque o Partido Popular, organización política gobernante e con maioría lexislativa, adiantou que non votará a favor das medidas impulsadas pola PAH.

A nivel internacional, colectivos cidadáns europeos mobilizados polo dereito á vivenda tamén apoian a ILP. Recoñecen, ademais, que a lei hipotecaria española é a máis inxusta da Unión Europea e por iso apoian activamente a proposta da PAH. A cidadanía do Estado necesita todo o apoio posible para que as peticións de mínimos incluídas na ILP sexan aprobadas polas deputadas e deputados do congreso Nacional. Adicionalmente, o 14 de marzo o Tribunal de Xustiza da Unión Europea emite o seu veredicto sobre a lei española, a cal foi avaliada pola avogada do TJUE como inxusta.

Por todo isto, o luns 18 de marzo, a PAH convoca a todos os colectivos afines que se atopen máis aló das nosas fronteiras a sumarse a unha acción de solidariedade e presión social fronte a todas as embaixadas españolas. O obxectivo é demostrar que as peticións cidadás canalizadas pola PAH contan cun amplo apoio internacional.

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Call to action: international support to the ILP presented by the PAH
The People’s Legislative Initiative (ILP) is the citizens’ response to Spain’s mortgage lending fraud. Endorsed by nearly a million and a half citizens, this ILP was submitted to congress by the Mortgage Holders Platform (PAH). We stand now at a crossroads as the ILP has yet to be approved by congress. The governing party, Partido Popular, which holds majority in congress, has already advanced that it will not vote in favour of the proposed measures.

At an international level, European social movements that struggle for the right to housing, also support this ILP. Furthermore, they assert that Spain’s mortgage law is unjust in unparalleled measure with regards to similar legislation across the European Union. For this reason they actively support the PAH’s proposals. Spanish citizens need all the backing they can gather so that the ILP’s basic requests can be approved in congress in the upcoming weeks. In addition, on March 14th, the EU’s Court of Justice will issue a verdict on Spain’s mortgage law. The Court of Justice’s lawyer has already advanced that the law in Spain is unjust.

For all of these reasons, on Monday March 18th, the PAH calls to action all housing rights collectives and other social movements located beyond our national borders. We want to show this international solidarity by pressuring the Spanish government with peaceful demonstrations in front of as many Spanish embassies as possible.

Fonte: http://afectadosporlahipoteca.com/
